抗紅特護隔離日霜 SPF25
- 即時緩解肌膚灼熱、刺痛和繃緊感
- 抑制發炎反應,達致鎮靜和舒緩效果
- 修復肌膚屏障,減低過敏風險
- 有效均勻膚色,中和泛紅並抵禦陽光侵害
- 0%添加物配方不易引起敏感
- 雙重防污染包裝保護成分純淨
Eucerin 的高質素產品建基於廣泛研究及對肌膚的熱情。Eucerin 專家投放無窮心思選擇所有產品的成分,並限制成分數目。然而,若有不耐症或過敏,請查閱我們的「成分數據庫」找出相關成分。
SymSitive* is a soothing ingredient for sensitive skin. With its neurosensory activity, SymSitive* provides instant and long-lasting relief from stinging, burning, and itching. Skin discomfort like tingling, burning and itching is characterized by a hyperresponsiveness of sensory neurons and stimulation of the thermoreceptor TRPV1 (capsaicin receptor).
The Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine 2021 was awarded to David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian for the discovery of temperature receptor such as TRPV1.
SymSitive* acts on the Nobel Prize awarded mode of action of TRPV1 actively soothes the feeling of tingling, itching and burning.
*registered trademark of Symrise, Germany