- 國際美容雜誌 <Marie Claire> 2016年「編緝選擇」獎
- 專利祛皺配方獨家結合40X 微小透明質酸1及大豆抗皺精萃
- 由內而外高效填補皺紋,促進肌膚透明質酸自生
- 93%試用者試用4周後顯著減淡細紋△
- 1與普遍產品的2000 KDa大透明質酸分子比較
- △德國漢堡Eucerin 皮膚研究中心測試結果
Eucerin 的高質素產品建基於廣泛研究及對肌膚的熱情。Eucerin 專家投放無窮心思選擇所有產品的成分,並限制成分數目。然而,若有不耐症或過敏,請查閱我們的「成分數據庫」找出相關成分。
AHA, stands for alpha-hydroxy acid. At Eucerin, we use the AHA Glycolic acid, which is derived from sugar cane. This peeling acid has a very small molecular size, makes skin smoother, more even and opens pores, Without compromising on barrier structures of the skin.
It promotes exfoliation by reducing cell adhesion in the epidermis and increasing cell turnover. Furthermore it increases biosynthetic capacity of collagen and builds support structure in the dermal matrix to reduce wrinkles and fine lines.