- 含Thiamidol ,從根源抑制黑色素形成,減退斑點,均勻提亮膚色
- 含Dexpanthenol,可促進肌膚夜間再生,把握肌膚黃金修復時間
- 維他命B5促進表皮細胞再生,深層修護
- 臨床溫和配方,敏感肌膚適用
- 不油膩,帶有微香
Eucerin 的高質素產品建基於廣泛研究及對肌膚的熱情。Eucerin 專家投放無窮心思選擇所有產品的成分,並限制成分數目。然而,若有不耐症或過敏,請查閱我們的「成分數據庫」找出相關成分。
Panthenol and Dexpanthenol are two names commonly used for the same ingredient. Panthenol participates in numerous metabolic processes (e.g. energy production, synthesis of fatty acids) and helps to improve hydration in the outermost layers of the skin. Panthenol converts into Panthotenic Acid (a B-Complex Vitamin) in the skin and enhances skin regeneration and repair. When applied regularly, it has been proven to considerably improve symptoms of skin irritation such as dryness, roughness, scaling and redness. It is also an effective moisturizer. Very well absorbed by the skin, it regenerates, stimulates epithelialisation and wound healing. It alleviates irritation and inflammation.